Where can I find out what Singlife Home Insurance covers?

You can view the Singlife Home Insurance Summary of Cover on our website (under "Home Insurance").

For new and renewed policies taken out on and after 13 September 2024: Summary of Cover

Am I covered for personal accidents?

Not under the standard policy package. However, if you purchase the additional Family Personal Accident Cover, we’ll cover you, your spouse or child, for any accidental bodily injury that occurs anywhere in the world. This would include the necessary costs of modifying your home to aid mobility due to the accidental injury.

What additional enhancements are available to me?

We offer the following optional enhancements:

Additional Household Contents
Increase the sum insured of household contents from S$10,000 up to a maximum of S$200,000 on top of your selected plan.

Additional Renovations
Increase the sum insured of renovation from S$10,000 up to a maximum of S$200,000 on top of your selected plan.

Coverage of up to S$1,000,000 for loss or damage to the physical structure of your home. Note that building sum insured varies depending on the building property type and/or Construction Floor Area.

What additional covers are available to me?

We offer the following optional covers:

Replacement Locks 

We provide cover of up to S$500 if the keys to the lock are lost or stolen for:

  • External doors or gates of the home, or
  • Alarm systems or domestic safes fitted in the home.

Food in Freezers 

We provide cover of up to S$500 for loss or damage to food stored in a freezer in the home caused by mechanical breakdown, explosion or failure in the temperature-control device of the freezer.

Bicycle / Personal Mobility Device

We provide cover of up to S$300 for any loss or damage, covered under the policy, to your bicycle, power-assisted bicycle or personal mobility device.

Family Cyber Risk Protector 

Under Identity Theft, we pay for expenses incurred by you, up to a maximum of S$3,000, as the direct result of an identity fraud discovered during the time you are insured by us. We'll also pay up to a maximum of S$3,000 for any fraudulent transaction on your credit card.

Under Dispute with Online Retailer, we indemnify you for your loss up to S$500 per eligible article or set of eligible articles and up to a maximum of S$3,000 per claim if you suffer financial loss arising from a dispute with an online retailer. This can be over any non-compliant article that you've purchased over the internet during the period of insurance.

Family Worldwide Personal Accident 

We cover you, your spouse or child for any accidental bodily injury occurring anywhere in the world. This includes the necessary costs of modifying your home to aid mobility due to the accidental injury.

Can I get instant home insurance cover with Singlife?

Yes. Once we confirm with you that we’ve collected your premium through our online payment gateway, you’ll have successfully purchased your policy. The process takes a minute or two, after which you’ll be insured.

Can I insure the contents of my holiday home abroad?

No. We do not offer contents insurance for properties outside of Singapore.

Am I covered for building?

If you purchase the optional enhancement for building, we'll provide cover for loss or damage to the physical structure of your home. This includes swimming pools, ornamental ponds and fountains, hard courts, terraces, patios, drives, footpaths, walls, fences, gates, hedges, gardens, fixed tanks, garages, outbuildings and all permanent fixtures and fittings provided by either the Housing Development Borad (HDB) or the developer as standard specifications for your home. The maximum we'll pay is the limit shown on your policy schedule.

Am I covered for renovations?

Yes. This includes improvements or additions to your home that have been made by you or by any previous owner. Examples of these are: renovations to kitchens, work on wood or laminate flooring, fitted wardrobes, air conditioners and bathrooms, as well as double glazing. The maximum we’ll pay is the limit shown on your policy schedule.

How do I estimate the sum insured for building?

The sum insured for building is the estimated replacement cost (i.e. reconstruction cost) in the event that your building is damaged by any of the insured events. It's important to ensure that the sum insured you nominate is enough to replace your building at the current market price.


Example: Replacement Cost Calculation

Property Type: Condominium

CFA(sqm): 100

Cost per CFA (S$/sqm) = S$4,000

Estimated Replacement Cost (CFA x Cost per CFA) = 100 X $4,000 = S$400,000


Important Note: This example is intended solely as a guide. For a more accurate rebuilding cost estimate, we recommend you consult a qualified property valuer or quantity surveyor.

Are the contents of my garage covered?

Yes. The policy covers contents of your house, apartment or flat and any of its outbuildings (including garages) that are at the address shown on your policy schedule.

Am I covered for replacement locks and keys?

If you purchase the additional Replacement Locks cover, we’ll provide cover of up to S$500 for keys to locks that are lost or stolen. This would apply to external doors or gates of the home, alarm systems and domestic safes fitted in the home.

Am I covered for freezer contents?

If you purchase the Food in Freezers add-on, we’ll provide cover of up to S$500 for loss of or damage to food stored in a freezer in the home, caused by mechanical breakdown, explosion or failure in the temperature-control device of your freezer.

We won’t cover loss or damage caused by a deliberate act or a pre-scheduled maintenance, with prior notification by the company (or its employees) supplying your power. The latter case includes loss or damage directly or indirectly arising from the power supply being disconnected.

Are falling trees covered by Singlife Home Insurance?

Yes, we provide cover for damage or loss caused by falling trees or branches.

Do you provide cover to find the source of a water leak?

For policies purchased on and after 13 September 2024, we've extended the policy to cover the costs incurred in repairing the burst pipes and tracing the source of water leakage.

For the full terms and conditions, please refer to the policy booklet.

Am I covered for my golf clubs?

Yes, whilst they’re in your home.

I have just bought a HDB flat and they require me to take up the HDB Fire Insurance Scheme. How does Singlife Home Insurance complement the compulsory scheme?

The Singlife Home Insurance policy only provides cover for household contents and renovations. The HDB fire insurance policy covers your building and therefore, they are not the same. We recommend that you should, at all times, maintain the HDB Fire Insurance policy or such similar coverage, and protect your home contents with a Singlife Home Policy.

If I am a tenant of a rented flat, can I purchase Singlife Home Insurance?


Can I purchase contents insurance with you if I sub-let my house?

Yes, but please be aware that certain risks, such as malicious or deliberate damage by tenants, are not covered under your policy.

Does the contents cover include accidental damage?

No. Singlife Home Insurance policies only cover specific types of loss, such as fire, theft, earthquake, flood, etc. Please refer to the policy document for the full list of loss types covered.

Are my belongings covered outside of the home?

No. We do not cover items outside of the home.

Are the contents covered when my home is unoccupied?

Yes, but your home must not be left unoccupied for more than 60 consecutive days.

Can I insure the contents of a property that is not my permanent residence?

Yes. You can insure the contents of another property you own or rent.

This webpage is published for information only and Singapore Life Ltd. accepts no liability whatsoever with respect to its use or its contents.

The information contained here is accurate as at 13 Sep 2024.