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GROW with Singlife

Find the right path to wealth creation with GROW

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Manage your investment portfolio effectively

Receive quality guidance by financial advisers, tailored to your specific needs.



Maximum flexibility

Manage your portfolio anytime to match your risk tolerance, time horizon and financial goals, as your circumstances or plans change.


24/7 access to useful information

Through MySinglife, all the essential information on your investment account is in one place. 


Investment Administrator = convenience for you

Drawing your CPF-OA funds directly from your CPF Agent Bank saves you bank charges and transacts faster.

What’s GROW

At GROW with Singlife , we understand that financial planning is not just about numbers, but about real people and real lives. That’s why we champion care, consideration, and genuine human connections, putting financial advisers at the heart of everything we do.

Fees and charges

Transparent fees just for you

Source of funds

Account Type

Upfront fee

Switch fee

Ongoing adviser charge

Cash / SRS


0 - 5.00%


Up to 1.80% per annum

Cash / SRS

Non Wrap

0 - 5.00%

0 - 5.00%


CPF OA / SA monies




Up to 0.40% per annum*

CPF OA / SA monies

Non Wrap




*The agreed Ongoing adviser charge is inclusive of a 0.10% service fee per annum payable to Navigator Investment Services Limited.

Platform Fee

Cash / SRS


First S$500,000

0.20% per annum


S$500,000.01 - S$999,999.99

0.10% per annum


> S$1,000,000

Full platform fee waived


Important Notice

Important Notes



  • All fees and charges indicated above are exclusive of GST.
  • Free switching of Unit Trusts in Wrap accounts.
  • Multiple switching are allowed with no switching fee/charge in all our Wrap accounts.
  • Total Ongoing fee comprises of Ongoing adviser charge1 and Platform fee2.


Platform Fees

  • It is defined as annual fee charged for the provision of services and/or administration of investment products.
  • No platform fee will be charged on Non Wrap accounts and CPF investments.
  • No minimum platform fee.
  • Please note that the platform fee is subject to change at the discretion of the Company.

Not quite sure how to start?

 Use our tools and resources to guide you along.

Fund centre

Our fund centre allows you to search for funds that suit your investment preference.
Search for funds

Invest with us!

We make it simple to structure an investment portfolio with our extensive range of funds for you to choose from. Reach out to any of our partners to open an account with us.
Contact a Financial Adviser

Already own an account with us?

Manage and view your investment portfolio when you log into MySinglife.
Log in here


Prospective investors are advised to read the fund prospectus and product highlight sheet(s) carefully before applying for any shares/units in unit trust. The fund prospectus and products highlight sheet(s) relating to the fund are available online or obtained from your financial adviser representative. The value of the units and the income from them may fall as well as rise. Unit trusts are subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Investors investing in funds denominated in non-local currencies should be aware of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause a loss of principal. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. If you are unsure if unit trust is suitable for you, we encourage you to speak with a financial adviser representative. Otherwise, you may end up buying a unit trust that does not meet your needs.

Articles on this site, whether written by GROW or others, should not be construed as an offer or solicitation for the subscription, purchase or sale of any fund. No action should be taken without first viewing a fund's prospectus or product highlight sheet(s). Any advice herein is made on a general basis and does not take into account the specific investment objectives of the specific person or group of persons.

All prices and values shown on this portal are indicative and are usually based on prices of 2-4 dealing days earlier. Clients should not rely on these prices for decision making. Fund prices provided by third-parties. GROW does not guarantee any prices or valuations shown, and accepts no responsibility for their accuracy.
Information is correct as at 1 January 2021.

This information does not constitute an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any shares/units.

This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.