What is the minimum number of employees needed to start MyBenefits Plus policy?

We will need a minimum of two employees to start MyBenefits Plus policy.

What is the maximum entry age for my employees?

The maximum entry age is 69 years old at age next birthday.

Can my employees choose the products and the level of coverage based on their preference?

No. The company's representative will decide the products and level of coverage, either the same for all employees or differentiated by job category.

Can my employees insure their dependants (spouse and children)? If yes, what level of coverage are they covered?

Yes. Your employees' dependants (the relationship must be substantiated legally) will be covered with the same level of coverage as the employee plan.

Can I cover my employees who are based outside Singapore?

No. This coverage is only for employees and dependants (if any) based in Singapore.

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The information contained here is accurate as at 20 Mar 2024.