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Is underwriting required for group policies

When the sum assured exceed S$150,000 for Group Term Life and Group Living Care, underwriting will be required.

What is the usual requirement for underwriting?

The requirement includes but not restricted to the following:

  • Completion of Health Declaration Form dated  within three months from the submission date.
  • Medical examinations requested by Singlife. 
  • Questionnaires of medical conditions to be declared.

Can my insured employee use the report of his/her health screening to replace medical examination?

Yes. As long as the health screening was done within six months from the submission date.

In an unfortunate event that my employee pass away during the underwriting period, how will the death benefit be paid out?

Your employee will be covered at a sum of S$150,000 or the last accepted sum assured, whichever is higher.

Does the employee have to pay for the underwriting requirement?

Singlife will pay for the underwriting requirement. For cases when the employee wishes to appeal for declined cases to be accepted, the cost of the underwriting will be borne by the employee.

This webpage is published for information only and Singapore Life Ltd. accepts no liability whatsoever with respect to its use or its contents. 

The information contained here is accurate as at 20 Mar 2024.