Singlife Simple Term | Affordable Term Life Insurance | Singlife Singapore

Singlife Simple Term

An affordable term life insurance plan that gives 100% protection - with no application hassle

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Safeguard your loved one’s future

All-essential protection at budget-friendly prices. That’s Singlife Simple Term. With a quick application process, including an online purchase option, it's the easier way to ensure your loved ones will always have financial support - when you're no longer able to provide for them.

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Easy on your wallet

Something this essential should be easy on your wallet. Premiumsstart from S$0.371 per day for S$500,000 coverage.


Easy application

Apply for the plan online or speak with your financial adviser representative. Just answer a few health questions and we’ll do the rest.


Get a lump-sum payout

We’ll make a lump-sum payout of the sum assured if you die; become terminally ill or diagnosed with total and permanent disability.


Your coverage, your choice

You can get coverage from S$150,000 to S$500,000 or anything in between – the choice is yours.


Continuous protection

Never have to worry about not being covered. You can get continuous protection until you’re 86 years old by simply renewing your plan yearly2.

All bases covered

Minimise gaps in your protection.

For better peace of mind, you can add up to two riders:

Personal Accident Cover

Covers you for accident-related3 injuries or death, with sum assured ranging from S$100,000 to S$500,000.

Critical Illness Cover

Pays out your chosen sum assured of S$50,000 to S$350,000 should you be diagnosed with any of the 36 severe-stage critical illnesses covered, including cancer and stroke3

Now comes the easy part!

Follow these three steps to get your term life cover today

  • 01
    Get started

    Our application process takes less than 10 minutes. Get your personal details ready or you can retrieve them securely via MyInfo with Singpass.

  • 02
    Choose your coverage

    Select the coverage you need plus optional add-ons such as Personal Accident Cover or Critical Illness Cover for a more comprehensive protection.

  • 03
    Complete your application

    Simply answer a few health questions to complete your application. And you’re all set!  

Important Notes


All ages mentioned refer to age next birthday.


  1.  Premium of S$0.37 is based on coverage for a non-smoking female, between 1 and 35 years old (both ages inclusive), with annual premium of S$136 divided over 365 days, rounded down to the nearest cent.

  2.  As this is a yearly renewable plan, the renewal premium will be based on the life assured’s age at the policy renewal date and the premium increases with age. The premium rates are non-guaranteed.

  3. Terms and conditions apply. For details, please refer to the riders’ respective Product Summaries.

  4. Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit (ADDB) pays out a lump sum of S$100,000 (100% of rider’s sum assured) for permanent and total loss of sight in one eye. The Personal Accident Cover will not be renewed at the end of the policy year if the total claim amount for ADDB for the policy year is equal to or more than 100% of the rider’s sum assured.

  5. If we pay a claim on Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit (ADDB), we will pay an additional 100% of the payable amount for the ADDB claim if the conditions of the Double ADDB Requirements below are met.

    The life assured was:
    • in public transport,
    • a pedestrian (including as a passenger in a public lift or elevator other than lifts or elevators in mines and construction sites),
    • in a fire at:
    - home
    - a theatre
    - a hotel
    - a public auditorium
    - a school
    - a hospital
    - a shopping mall,
    from the time the fire started, except workplaces (including offices and factories) which we do not cover, or
    • travelling as a fare-paying passenger on a commercial plane or on a cruise ship (with at least one night’s stay on board the cruise ship) by a licensed operator, when the accident happened.

    In addition to the above covered conditions, for life assured age 16 and below, we will also pay Double ADDB if the accident happened when the life assured was:
    • within school premises on a school day or during school activities organised and supervised by the authorities of the school,
    • outside school premises while taking part in school activities organised and supervised by authorities of the school, or
    • travelling as a passenger on a school bus, private bus or excursion bus to and from school or the place where school activities take place, where the accident happened.
    Please refer to the Product Summary for the full terms and conditions.

  6. The Accidental Medical Reimbursement Benefit is based on the actual claim amount incurred, up to S$5,000 (5% of rider’s sum assured) per policy year. This illustration assumes that Andy incurred S$5,000 of medical expenses due to the accident.

  7.  Simple Fracture Benefit pays out a lump sum of S$1,250 (1.25% of rider’s sum assured) for simple fracture in Andy’s left arm.

  8. The Critical Illness Cover will terminate after the critical illness benefit payout.


This policy is underwritten by Singapore Life Ltd.


This is published for general information only and does not have regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any specific person. You may get a copy of the Product Summary from Singapore Life Ltd. and the participating distributors’ offices. You should read the Product Summary before deciding whether to purchase the product. You may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser representative before making a commitment to purchase the product. If you choose not to seek advice from a financial adviser representative, you should consider whether the product in question is suitable for you. As this product has no savings or investment feature, there is no cash value if the policy ends or if the policy is terminated prematurely. Buying a health insurance policy that is not suitable for you may impact your ability to finance your future healthcare needs. This is not a contract of insurance. Full details of the standard terms and conditions of this policy can be found in the relevant policy contract.


Information is accurate as at August 2022.


This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.


This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the Life Insurance Association or SDIC websites ( or