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What are the policies offered under the MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance Voluntary Scheme?

There are 6 policies available. These are the Group Term Life (main policy) with maximum coverage of S$1,000,000, Group Personal Injury (main policy) with maximum coverage of S$1,000,000, Living Care (rider) with maximum coverage for S$500,000, Living Care Plus (rider) with maximum coverage for S$500,000/S$200,0001, Group Disability Income (rider) and Outpatient Medicare (rider).

1 S$500,000 if the application for coverage is made before age 56 years at next birthday or

   $200,000 if the application for coverage is made at age 56 years old and above at next birthday

I would like to apply $1 million coverage of Group Term Life (GTL) policy and I declare my pre-existing medical condition, will Singlife decline my application?

Singlife will accept the first $300,000 GTL application without underwriting. The first $300,000 GTL excludes pre-existing medical condition for 1 year. While Singlife will to the maximum extent possible, give favourable consideration to all applications, Singlife reserves the right to decline or postpone the application or offer a reduced sum assured for sums beyond the $300,000.

Do all the MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance Voluntary Scheme policies provide worldwide coverage?

Yes. All the MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance policies provide 24 hours worldwide coverage regardless of geographical location.

How long can MINDEF & MHA Group Term Life cover me?

From ANB 66 onwards, you and/or your spouse will be automatically enrolled into the Extended Years Coverage (from ANB 66 to 70) so you can continue to enjoy the same coverage, but with revised premium.

At the end of the policy year when you and/or your spouse attain your 65th birthday, you will receive a Notification Letter from Singlife informing you about the prevailing premiums if you wish to continue your cover beyond age 65.

Should you wish to opt out from the Extended Years Coverage scheme, please sign and return the Reply Slip to us before the stipulated deadline indicated in the Notification Letter. You will receive a confirmation letter from us notifying you on the termination of you and/or your spouse's policy.

Does this insurance cover adopted children and/or stepchildren?

Yes, if the relationship between you and your adopted/stepchildren is legitimate and can be substantiated legally.

In the unfortunate event that I pass away before my insured spouse (dependant), can my spouse continue with the insurance coverage?

Yes. Your spouse can continue with the insurance coverage until age 70(ANB), if she did not opt-out for the Extended Years Coverage scheme.

Can MINDEF & MHA members/affiliate members and their dependants be insured under different policies?

First, any person would have to sign up for the basic Group Term Life policy or/and Group Personal Injury policy, then he/she can sign up for any other group riders (i.e. Living Care, Living Care Plus, Disability Income and Outpatient Medicare).

Your dependents can also apply for additional riders that the main applicant is not covered under. However, it would be capped at the maximum sum assured of the main applicant's main policies (Group Term Life and/or Group Personal Injury).

Can my spouse and children apply for Living Care policy?

Yes, as a MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance Voluntary Scheme insured member/insured affiliate member, your dependants can apply for Supplementary Living Care insurance if they:

  • have an existing Group Term Life or/and Group Personal Injury policy; or
  • are applying for Group Term Life or/and Group Personal Injury policy with this rider.

Can I sign up for Group Disability Income insurance? What should I do if there's a change in my income?

Yes, you can sign up for the Group Disability Income insurance if you are employed and insured with the MINDEF & MHA Group Term Life or/and Group Personal Injury policy. You should contact Singlife to update the change in your occupation and/or income, and we will advise you the procedure accordingly. Otherwise, in the event of a claim and your occupation or current monthly salary are found to have differed from what was declared to Singlife, there could be delay or complications in the claims process.

I am a SAF NSman and a Home Team officer. Can I sign up both MINDEF Group Insurance and MHA Group Insurance?

No, you can't. MINDEF & MHA Group Insurance is under one contract. You can either choose MINDEF Group Insurance Scheme or MHA Group Insurance Scheme.

This webpage is published for information only and Singapore Life Ltd. accepts no liability whatsoever with respect to its use or its contents.

The information contained here is accurate as at 1 Jan 2023.