How does the base return of 3% p.a. work?

The Singlife Account’s base return is 3% p.a. on the first S$10,000 and 1% p.a. on amounts above S$10,000, up to S$100,000. There are no returns for amounts above S$100,000. The applicable returns will be periodically declared by us. Any revision in the returns will take immediate effect.

Returns are calculated daily and credited to your account value monthly, on the first day of the following policy anniversary month. Please note that returns are not guaranteed.

Are the crediting rates guaranteed?

No, crediting rates are not guaranteed.

How are returns calculated if my account value is changing daily? When is it credited into my account value?

Returns are calculated daily based on your account value and credited monthly, on the first day of the following policy anniversary month. For example, if the policy start date is 1 Feb, the crediting date will be 1 March. 

How does the base return of 3% p.a. work?

The Singlife Account’s base return is 3% p.a. on the first S$10,000 and 1% p.a. on amounts above S$10,000, up to S$100,000. There are no returns for amounts above S$100,000. The applicable returns will be periodically declared by us. Any revision in the returns will take immediate effect.

Returns are calculated daily and credited to your account value monthly, on the first day of the following policy anniversary month. Please note that returns are not guaranteed.

What is crediting rate?

Crediting rate is the return you earn on your account value. 


1A daily spending limit is set at S$5,000. An annual spending limit is set at S$30,000 on a 365-day rolling basis. 



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The information contained here is accurate as at Feb 2024.